With events, large and small, being cancelled due to Covid-19, charities are set to suffer a £4 billion shortfall* in fundraising with events not taking place. As as result, many are faced with closure.
In response to this, the organisers of the biggest mass-participation sports events across the country have come together to create a campaign to help the UK’s charities: The 2.6 Challenge.

Beginning on Sunday 26 April, the day the 40th edition of the London Marathon was due to take place, people across the country will be encouraged to do an activity, based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 and fundraise or donate to help save the UK’s charities. The challenge is open to everyone – the only requirement is that the activity must follow the Government guidelines on exercise and social distancing.
So, it’s time to get creative, perhaps you can take your family for a 2.6 or 26 mile bike ride, or even run 26 laps of your garden. Or you could be more adventurous (as long as it’s done safely) and run 26.2 miles in a loop around your home, ride up a local hill 26 times or jump on your turbo in the garden and ride 260kms….it’s really up to you.
We think this is a great idea which is why we wanted you to know about it as soon as we did in the hope that we can all collectively support charities across the country that will be suffering from a dramatic loss in fundraising.
*figure estimated by Karl Wilding, CEO of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NVCO)