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Bicycle Insurance

Travel Insurance

purchased before 04/03/25

Policy Wording

Summary / IPID

Travel Insurance annual

purchased on or after 04/03/25

Policy Wording

Summary / IPID

Travel Insurance single-trip

purchased on or after 04/03/25

Policy Wording

Summary / IPID

Terms of Business

Terms of Business


Direct Debit Information

Bicycle Security Guide

Bicycle security guide

Bicycle Insurance Cover

  • What is the difference between Bicycle Insurance, Cycle Travel Insurance and Health Insurance?

    We offer a range of complementary insurance products for cyclists.

    We have three tiers of bicycle insurance to cater for different cyclists, for example, our top tier, Ultimate Bicycle insurance, is best set up for people who are looking to travel with their bike as it provides complete cover for your bikes wherever you are in the world, including crash damage and theft, with numerous other benefits thrown in.

    Our cycle travel insurance covers, trip cancellation, medical expenses and repatriation in the event of an accident abroad, on top of lots of other features you’d expect from a travel insurer, but it won’t cover your bicycle.

    Health insurance or Private Medical Insurance (PMI) offers coverage for acute medical conditions that emerge after your policy begins, avoiding the need to join NHS waiting lists. Coverage can also assist in recovery after an accident by including physio.

  • Will my bicycle be covered if it is damaged whilst being transported by an airline?

    Your bicycles, including their wheels, are covered against loss, theft and damage in transit, so long as they are securely packaged within a bicycle box, and you have retained the receipt from the airline confirming your bicycle was checked. The standard policy excess will apply.

    If your bike is damaged whilst in the care of an airline, you will need to file a claim first against the airline. Baggage is protected under the Montreal Convention up to a statutory limit; this will pay first and we will then cover the outstanding balance. This must be filed within 21 days of the damage being discovered.

  • How should I pack my bike if it is being transported by an airline?

    Your bicycle should be securely packed inside a bike box. We consider a bike box to be luggage explicitly developed for the carriage of a pedal cycle made of plastic, carbon fibre or metal.

    We will, at our discretion, cover bikes packed in soft bike bags which offer additional protection via a solid internal frame. If you plan to travel with your bike packed in a soft bike bag,  please get in touch with our customer support team so we can agree this before you travel.

    ✘ We do not accept cardboard boxes, or soft bike bags with no internal frame to support the bicycle.

  • Does bicycle insurance cover my bike abroad?

    If you choose our annual performance or ultimate bicycle insurance policies then yes, your bicycle will be covered against theft and damage abroad.  Ultimate is valid globally up to 120 days at a time, and PErformance is valid within Europe up to 30 days at a time. Our essentials policy does not cover taking your bike abroad.

    With performance and ultimate you can take as many trips of up to 30 or 120 days as your boss will give you the time off for. Please note, however, that public liability cover is not provided in the USA or Canada.

    Yellow Jersey’s Bicycle Insurance is designed to protect your beloved bikes against theft or damage while riding and competing, and not as an alternative to travel insurance. We do also offer cycle travel insurance which includes – among many other benefits – cover for emergency medical expenses and repatriation while cycling and competing abroad.

  • Can I get insurance for a hire bike on a cycling holiday?

    Yes, you can take out a short term Performance or Ultimate Bicycle Insurance policy to cover your hire bike abroad.  You would just need to know the make and model of the bike you are hiring as well as the retail value of the bike.  Your hire agreement with the company forms your proof of ownership in the event of a claim.

  • Do I still need to take out travel insurance if I go abroad on a cycling holiday?

    Yellow Jersey’s Cycle Insurance is designed to cover your beloved bicycles against theft, or damage while riding and competing – and not as an alternative to travel insurance. To give you more extensive cover overseas, we created our cycle travel insurance which includes – among many other benefits – cover for emergency medical expenses and repatriation while cycling and competing abroad.

  • Is my bicycle covered if I leave it chained to some railings?

    The key concern in this instance is what you have chained your bike to. If you leave your bicycle unattended away from your home we will cover bicycle theft and malicious damage providing your bicycle has been locked through the frame to an immovable object. The lock must be approved by Sold Secure and appropriate for the value of your bicycle. If you’re not sure about your lock, consult our blog on locks and security. As for timescale, the bicycle can be left unattended for up to 12 hours on our Essentials and Performance policies, and up to 18 hours on our Ultimate policy. This is extended to 48 hours within the transition area of a competitive organised triathlon event.

  • I'm buying a bicycle through a Cycle to Work scheme – Can you note the scheme provider as an interested party?

    Of course, this is no problem. All you have to do is send us an email containing your policy number and details of the Cycle to Work scheme provider and we will note their details accordingly on your bicycle insurance.

  • I sometimes win prize money in amateur cycling events. Would I still be covered whilst taking part in these events?

    Firstly, congratulations – you must be pretty speedy! So long as you’re not deemed a professional or semi-professional rider, you’ll be pleased to know that races with cash prizes are fully covered by our bicycle insurance.

    Professional or semi-professional athletes – who derive part or all of their income from activities involving the use of a bicycle (e.g. a cyclist, triathlete or duathlete) – are not covered by the standard Yellow Jersey Cycle insurance policy, unless we have given you written consent.

    We do provide insurance to a number of professional race teams and individuals, but this must be agreed with us in advance. Essentially, the cover provided for amateur riders is the same as we provide for our professionals – you just need to let us know you’re a pro.

  • What is the maximum value bicycle you insure?

    While there are travel restrictions due to Covid-19, the bicycle values are the same on all our policies. Therefore, the single bicycle limit is £15,000 but the maximum total cover for all your bicycles and accessories stretches to £50,000. When adding accessories to any of these policies, the first £250 of their value is already included as standard.

  • Is my bicycle covered for theft if its not padlocked whilst in transition?

    If your bike is held within the transition area of an organised sporting event – i.e. between sections at a triathlon – it is not required to be locked as it is not deemed to be abandoned or unattended. Your bicycle, wetsuit and helmet are all covered against theft and accidental damage while in transition zones.

  • How many cycles can I insure on one cycle insurance policy?

    You can take out bicycle insurance on up to 15 bikes on a single policy, just as long as the total combined value of the bicycles and accessories does not exceed £50,000. The insured bicycles must all be owned by you, by a member of your family who lives with you, or  bikes which you are legally responsible for (eg hire bikes).

  • Is there an excess on this policy?

    The standard excess for our bicycle insurance policy is 10% up to a maximum of £100 for theft or accidental damage. But unlike most bicycle insurers, there is no excess on third party claims made against you. Isn’t that nice?

  • Will damage to my bicycle or theft be covered if I lend it to another person?

    Our bicycle insurance will only cover you if you lend it to a member of your immediate family. That means your parents, spouse, partner, son, daughter or siblings, who permanently live with you.

  • What will public liability insurance cover me for?

    Public liability insurance provides cover against damage to persons or property caused by your proven negligence, such as an injury you cause to a pedestrian or damage that you may do to a vehicle while riding a bicycle insured with us. While we love safe cycling and hope you’re never in a situation like that, our policy provides up to £2 million of liability cover as standard, and we charge no excess on this service. All three of our policies cover you and your family members whilst riding any of your insured bikes. Our Performance and Ultimate policies also cover the named policy holder whilst riding any bike, including hired or borrowed bikes. Please bear in mind, though, that public liability cover is not provided in the USA or Canada.

  • What types of bicycle do you cover?

    Our bicycle insurance will cover any bike, including; road, mountain, cyclocross and time trial as well as tricycles, tandems, trailer cycles or cargo bikes. Essentially, any bicycle covered by Yellow Jersey must be powered by human pedalling and/or batteries. We are unable to cover bikes which fall under the requirements of the Road Traffic Act such as motorcycles, mopeds or scooters.

  • I’ve broken my collarbone and can’t take part in an Iron Man race that I’d signed up for. Am I able to claim for the cost of the race entry fee?

    If a serious injury prevents you from attending an event as planned, our Ultimate tier bicycle insurance policy provides you with race entry fee cancellation cover. You can find out more about other circumstances where the cover may come into effect – and a full list of requirements/exclusions – in section 6 of our policy wording. An insurance policy must have been taken out with us before the incident which prevents you from entering a race or event. This cover is not included in Essential or Performance policies which are not designed for racing. 

  • What benefits are provided by the Personal Accident cover?

    Our personal accident cover is provided as standard and compensates you or your family members if you’re involved in a serious accident while using a bike specified on your policy. The cover limits are different on each of our Bicycle Insurance tiers; Essential, Performance and Ultimate.

    Please note cover will not be provided for anyone under the age of 16 or over the age of 85. Also, anyone over the age of 65 is not covered for permanent total disablement.

  • I live outside the UK can I buy your insurance?

    Unfortunately, our bicycle insurance is only available to UK customers, although we plan to make our fantastic product available outside of the UK very soon.

  • Do you offer push bike insurance? What is a push bike? And do people still call it a push bike?

    First question: yes! We do indeed offer push bike insurance. Question number two: the push bike (or hobby horse) was invented by Baron Carl Von Drais in 1817 and is considered the ancestor of the modern bicycle. Riders propelled themselves just like a bike, but using their feet directly on the ground to push it along. Alas, the push bike did not stick around long, lasting just two years before the pedal cycle was developed. For some reason, many cyclists consider the term ‘push bike’ insulting. On his excellent blog “Roads Were Not Built for Cars”, Carlton Reid issued an impassioned plea for the UK’s Department for Transport to cease using the term “push-bike” to describe the bicycle, arguing that the term, first introduced in 1903, was offensive, old-fashioned and obnoxious. So there you go.

  • What does underinsurance mean?

    One of the unique features of our policy is we do not depreciate the value of your bicycle, no matter its age. You should therefore always insure your bicycle for what you paid (whether new or second-hand).

    If you underinsure your bicycle, we will simply reduce the settlement value proportionately to the level of underinsurance. This is common practice within most areas of insurance.

    For complete clarity, here is an example of how we would calculate a pay-out for an underinsured bicycle.

    (sum insured/actual value) x loss = claim sum paid

    Example :
    Price Paid – £2,000
    Insured for – £1,500
    Total Loss Claim
    (£1,500 / £2,000) x £1,500 = £1500
    Claim Settlement is £1500 less the excess

    Partial Loss Claim
    With a loss of £500
    (£1,500 / £2,000) * £500 = £375
    Claim Settlement is £375 less the excess

    Our customer service team are always willing to explain this if you need any further clarification.

    To read more about underinsurance, read our article here

  • I noticed on your quote form I can't buy insurance if I've had more than three claims. Why do you limit me to three claims in a three-year period?

    Most insurers discourage clients from claiming. We are unique because we don’t charge you more to insure your bike at renewal if you’ve made a claim. Even if you claim, you still benefit from the 25% renewal discount.

    That being said, our product designers believe there is a reasonable limit to the number of claims a customer should have. The limit ensures we don’t have to raise prices for more careful customers unduly.

Bicycle Security Questions

  • Do you have a handy guide on security in different locations?

    Some bicycle insurance makes it tricky to understand the lock requirements, we believe we have made ours easy and simple to digest. You shouldn’t have to have a UK law degree to understand a bicycle insurance policy so we have create a simple plain English blog. Check out our handy guide to bicycle security in different locations.

  • What sort of lock do I need, and what is Sold Secure?

    If you are leaving your bicycle unattended when out and about, or if it stored somewhere not secure, then it will need to be locked through the frame to an immovable object with an approved lock. bicycles worth £1,500 or more need a Sold Secure Gold rated bike lock. bicycles worth less than £1,500 can be locked with Sold Secure Silver. Sold Secure are a third party rating company who test bicycle locks to see how easy they are to break open. The vast majority of bicycle locks sold in the UK will have this rating, and will usually display their rating proudly on the packaging. If you are unsure, you can check your lock against the database over on their website.There are some lock manufacturers who use terms like Gold and Silver in their marketing but are not rated by Sold Secure. Make sure you look for the Sold Secure logo when buying a bicycle lock.

  • What type of bicycle locks are the best?

    So long as the lock you use meets the required Sold Secure level for the value of your bicycle, it does not matter which type of lock you use. However, some styles tend to be better than others. D-locks tend to be the strongest. They are very hard to cut and thieves will generally pass them by to find a softer target. Chain locks can come in a very wide range of quality’s but are generally easier to bypass than D-locks. They also tend to be quite heavy and are best used in unsecure garages where a D-lock might be difficult to get on and off. Although accessory cable locks may seem like a convenient option, they are notoriously easy to break and highly unlikely to be Sold Secure rated. Do not rely on accessory cable locks to secure your bicycle.

  • I have a Sold Secure Bicycle Gold D-lock which comes with a cable to secure my wheels. Does this meet your requirements?

    In every case we have seen, the D-lock is sold secure Gold and therefore meets our requirements, but the cable is  not. Unfortunately, this isn’t always clear on the packaging. So long as the bike is locked through the frame to an immovable object with this D-lock then it is covered under our policy. However, a wheel locked with the cable wouldn’t be covered as they are too easy to cut.

  • How long can I leave my bike locked up or locked in my car?

    Your bicycle is covered while locked through the frame to an immovable object with an approved lock for up to 12 hours at a time on Essentials and Performance policies, or 18 hours on an Ultimate policy.

    Your bicycle will also be covered for theft when locked within a vehicle. Essentials and Performance Bicycle Insurance policies give up to 12 hours of cover in a vehicle, whilst our Ultimate insurance allows for up to 18 hours cover.

    Beyond these limits, we consider the bike to be “abandoned” and it is no longer covered by us.


Travel Insurance Cover

  • What is the difference between Bicycle Insurance, Cycle Travel Insurance and Health Insurance?

    We offer a range of complementary insurance products for cyclists.

    We have three tiers of bicycle insurance to cater for different cyclists, for example, our top tier, Ultimate Bicycle insurance, is best set up for people who are looking to travel with their bike as it provides complete cover for your bikes wherever you are in the world, including crash damage and theft, with numerous other benefits thrown in.

    Our cycle Travel Insurance covers, trip cancellation, medical expenses and repatriation in the event of an accident abroad, on top of lots of other features you’d expect from a travel insurer, but it won’t cover your bicycle.

    Health insurance or Private Medical Insurance (PMI) offers coverage for acute medical conditions that emerge after your policy begins, avoiding the need to join NHS waiting lists. Coverage can also assist in recovery after an accident by including physio.

  • Am I covered for downhill mountain biking overseas?

    Yes, Activity Pack C of our Travel Insurance covers emergency medical care and repatriation while downhill mountain biking, including while taking part in competitive events.

  • Is this travel insurance sufficient for my cycling training camp?

    We want you to be able to enjoy the warm weather and great roads on your training camp with peace of mind. If selected, Activity Pack A will cover you for emergency medical expenses and repatriation if your experience is interrupted by injury or illness.

  • Am I covered during an Ironman event?

    Ironman events are covered under Activity Pack B, so you’ll have  emergency medical expenses and repatriation covered should something go wrong.


  • Am I covered racing or riding in the USA?

    Yes, you are. If you’re off to the USA, you’ll need to make sure you select Worldwide cover including the USA and select the relevant Activity Pack when purchasing your travel insurance. If you’re not planning on crossing the Atlantic any time soon, then consider our European only cover, which is available at a lower rate. 

  • Does your travel Insurance cover my bike as well as me?

    No. Our travel insurance offers cover for your luggage up to a maximum value of £5,000 while it is being transported by the airline, however it won’t cover damage to your bike. For this, you’ll also need to purchase our dedicated Bicycle Insurance. Our Performance bicycle insurance policy will cover you for up to 30 days in Europe and our Ultimate bicycle insurance policy will cover you for up to 120 days worldwide. 

  • Will your travel insurance cover the cost of emergency medical care if I injure myself while racing abroad?

    Yes. We hope that your only expenses while training or racing overseas will be coffee stops on the beach front, but our travel insurance is designed to cover the costs of emergency medical expenses just in case. Please ensure you select Activity Pack A, B or C, depending on what sort of racing you’re taking part in. If you’re unsure, give our customer service team a call.

  • Will your travel insurance cover the cost of repatriation if I injure myself while racing abroad?

    We hope that it won’t be needed but accidents can happen, so our travel insurance is designed to cover the costs of repatriation due to injury while on holiday – including while riding or racing your bicycle. You must make sure that you have selected the appropriate activity pack which includes the event you’re racing in.

  • I’ve broken my collarbone and can’t take part in event that I’d signed up for. Am I able to claim for the cost of the entry fee?

    First of all, what a bummer! But don’t worry, if you have an annual Ultimate bicycle policy or travel policy with the appropriate Activity Pack selected, we can provide entry fee cancellation cover if a serious injury  stops you from attending an event you have entered. Your insurance policy will need to have been taken out with us prior to the incident which prevents you from entering your race, and we will require evidence of the injury  from a professional medical practitioner. 

  • Is there a limit to the number of races I can enter or times I can ride abroad with an annual travel insurance policy?

    It sounds like you’re planning a pretty epic season, so we’re pleased to inform you that there is no maximum number of trips on an annual policy. When buying a policy you just need to choose the maximum number of days you want to travel for, 30, 60 , 90 or 120 days, so start booking!

  • What’s the maximum trip length I can take on your annual travel insurance?

    The maximum trip length on our annual multi-trip Travel Insurance policy is 120 days, but you can take any number of trips throughout the year as long as none exceed that duration. Our annual cycle travel insurance also has the option to include winter sports cover to save you from having to search around for another supplier when you have already purchased with us. Our maximum trip length for winter sports holidays is  17 days per year.

  • I’m planning an extended touring holiday; can you provide travel insurance for longer periods?

    Unfortunately, we are not able to increase the 120 day limit on our annual policies. For trips longer than 120 days, you’ll need to use a different insurer.

  • If my bicycle is damaged by the airline, is it covered by your travel insurance?

    No, our travel insurance package offers cover for your luggage up to a maximum value of £5,000 while it is being transported by the airline, however it won’t cover damage to your bike. That’s where our dedicated bicycle insurance comes in. Our Performance and Ultimate Bicycle Insurance policies will cover your bicycle against damage by the airline up to £15,000, together with theft and crash damage, along with a host of other features. Our Ultimate bicycle insurance even provides cover for your bike box up to £1,000

  • Your travel insurance policy includes ‘gadget cover’. Does this include my Garmin?

    We know cyclists love their gadgets and with that in mind, our travel insurance includes gadget cover for up to five items, with a total value of £2,000. This will cover theft from your hotel and accidental damage to any of your devices, including Garmins, cameras, laptops and tablets. However, the gadget insurance is not valid while cycling. To read more about our bicycle insurance, please view our cycling insurance information here.

  • Does your travel insurance cover sports other than cycling and triathlon?

    Yes, absolutely. Active people live active lives, so while the main focus of our cycle travel insurance is cycling, we made sure we also included cover for other sports you might enjoy while on holiday. This was one of the requests that came out of our customer consultations while designing this product. Have a look at our policy wording to see a full list of included sports. Our annual travel insurance also has the option to include winter sports cover, so if you enjoy skiing or snowboarding over the winter, you won’t need to purchase an additional policy.

  • Does the travel insurance automatically cover any pre-existing medical conditions?

    Our policy automatically covers you for all of the pre-existing medical conditions from our list of automatically covered conditions. There is no cover available for any additional conditions that do not appear on the list, meaning  unlisted all pre-existing medical conditions will be excluded from cover.

    Automatically covered pre-existing medical conditions:

    • Acne
    • ADHD
    • Allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) provided that you have not needed hospital treatment for this in the last 2 years
    • Allergic rhinitis
    • Arthritis (the affected person must be able to walk independently at home without using mobility aids)
    • Asthma (the diagnosis must have been made when the affected person was under the age of 50, and the asthma be controlled by no more than 2 inhalers and no other medication)
    • Blindness or partial sightedness
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Cataracts
    • Chicken pox – if completely resolved
    • Common cold or flu
    • Cuts and abrasions that are not self-inflicted and require no further treatment
    • Cystitis – provided there is no on-going treatment
    • Deafness
    • Diabetes (which is controlled by diet or tablets only)
    • Diarrhoea and vomiting – if completely resolved
    • Eczema
    • Enlarged prostate – benign only
    • Essential tremor
    • Glaucoma
    • Gout
    • Haemorrhoids
    • Hay fever
    • Ligament or tendon injury – provided you are not currently being treated
    • Macular degeneration
    • Menopause
    • Migraine – provided there are no on-going investigations
    • Nasal polyps
    • PMT
    • RSI
    • Sinusitis – provided there is no on-going treatment
    • Skin or wound infections that have completely resolved with no current treatment
    • Tinnitus
    • Underactive thyroid (Hypothyroidism)
    • Urticaria
    • Varicose veins in the legs

    Alternatively you can view a directory set up by the Money and Pensions Service. This directory provides easy access to companies that specialise in providing cover for pre-existing medical conditions, to enable customers to find the best value cover.

    The directory can be accessed at or by calling 0800 138 7777.

    Yellow Jersey are not connected to the insurers provided by the directory. As we offer a travel insurance product aimed at cyclists you should ensure that, if using a firm on the directory, they are able to cover your intended cycling activities

  • Can I pay extra to cover pre-existing medical conditions to my policy?

    No, we do not have the option to pay extra to cover any additional pre-existing conditions.

    You can view a directory set up by the Money and Pensions Service. This directory provides easy access to companies that specialise in providing cover for pre-existing medical conditions, to enable customers to find the best value cover.

    The directory can be accessed at or by calling 0800 138 7777.

    Yellow Jersey are not connected to the insurers provided by the directory. As we offer a travel insurance product aimed at cyclists you should ensure that, if using a firm on the directory, they are able to cover your intended cycling activities

  • Can I get travel insurance without purchasing additional cover from the Money and Pensions directory if I have a pre-existing condition?

    Yes, however, no cover will be available under our policy for any claim which is directly or indirectly linked to the pre-existing medical condition in question.

  • What are the automatically covered pre-existing medical conditions?

    Our policy automatically covers you for any and all of pre-existing medical conditions from our list of automatically covered conditions.  All other pre-existing medical conditions will be excluded from cover.

    Automatically covered pre-existing medical conditions:

    • Acne
    • ADHD
    • Allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) provided that you have not needed hospital treatment for this in the last 2 years
    • Allergic rhinitis
    • Arthritis (the affected person must be able to walk independently at home without using mobility aids)
    • Asthma (the diagnosis must have been made when the affected person was under the age of 50, and the asthma be controlled by no more than 2 inhalers and no other medication)
    • Blindness or partial sightedness
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Cataracts
    • Chicken pox – if completely resolved
    • Common cold or flu
    • Cuts and abrasions that are not self-inflicted and require no further treatment
    • Cystitis – provided there is no on-going treatment
    • Deafness
    • Diabetes (which is controlled by diet or tablets only)
    • Diarrhoea and vomiting – if completely resolved
    • Eczema
    • Enlarged prostate – benign only
    • Essential tremor
    • Glaucoma
    • Gout
    • Haemorrhoids
    • Hay fever
    • Ligament or tendon injury – provided you are not currently being treated
    • Macular degeneration
    • Menopause
    • Migraine – provided there are no on-going investigations
    • Nasal polyps
    • PMT
    • RSI
    • Sinusitis – provided there is no on-going treatment
    • Skin or wound infections that have completely resolved with no current treatment
    • Tinnitus
    • Underactive thyroid (Hypothyroidism)
    • Urticaria
    • Varicose veins in the legs

Covid 19 cover on Travel Insurance

Valuing Bicycles

Payments, Finance, and cancellation

  • Can I cancel my policy?

    We have a 14-day cooling off period built into our policies, after which point we are unable to provide refunds on either bicycle insurance or travel insurance policies. If you don’t want or need an annual policy, we also offer short-term cover for periods of 5, 10, 17, and 31 days, so if you only need bicycle insurance or travel insurance for a specific event, or a period of less than a year, please ensure you purchase a short-term policy. If you do wish to withdraw your policy during the cooling off period, you will incur a cancellation charge. Please see our terms of business for more details.

  • Why is it more expensive to pay for an annual policy via direct debit than to make a single payment?

    In order for your insurance policy to be valid, the premium needs to be paid to our underwriter in full, upfront. While this is fine for a lot of customers, many would prefer to spread the cost over a longer period of time. We allow you to pay your premium as a monthly direct debit by way of a finance agreement with a company called Premium Credit Limited (PCL). PCL pay your premium for you up front, and your direct debit is used to pay them back, plus a charge which they keep as a fee.

  • Do you carry out a credit check If I choose to pay for my policy on finance?

    Premium Credit Limited may use a credit reference agency that leaves a record of the search, or other information about you to carry out credit and anti-money laundering checks. This record will be visible to third parties.

  • Can I change my Direct Debit to a date of my choice?

    The first direct debit payment will be taken from your account approximately 28 days after you take out your policy. Premium Credit Limited will inform you of the precise day of the month when your direct debit payments will be taken. If you would like to change your direct debit date to a different day of the month, just let us know. You can get through to our team on 0333 003 0046 Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5:00pm.

  • I have received some correspondence from Premium Credit Limited. Who are they?

    Yellow Jersey have selected Premium Credit Limited to provide a premium finance solution to help spread the cost of your annual policy. If you have selected to pay your premium via monthly Direct Debit, Premium Credit Limited will send you a finance agreement and mandate form which you will need to complete and return to them.

Making a Claim

  • How do I make a bicycle insurance claim?

    To make a claim for theft, accidental damage or race fee cancellation, you will need to login to your account. Don’t worry if you have forgotten your password, you will be given the option to reset it.

    Once logged in, click ‘Claim’ next to the relevant policy, then chose and fill out the claim form you need from the available options.

  • Who handles your bicycle insurance claims?

    Your claim will be handled in house by Yellow Jersey by our specialist claims team.  We understand insurance, and we love cycling. We aim to get you back on your bike as quickly as possible.

  • Who handles your cycle travel insurance claims?

    Our cycle travel insurance claims are handled by a company called Claims Settlement Agencies, or CSAL. They are able to provide expert medical advice, and operate a 24-hour claims line all year round. For details on making a travel claim,  please visit our claims section.

  • Why don’t I have an option for race fee cancellation?

    Race fee cancellation cover is only available as part of Annual Ultimate Bicycle Insurance policies. If you are on the Performance or Essentials tier, or if you have taken out a short term policy, you won’t get the option to fill out a race fee cancellation form. If you think there is some sort of error, you can let us know by calling 0333 003 0046.

  • Can I claim for bike hire while mine is being repaired / replaced?

    If you have an Ultimate level Bicycle Insurance policy (either annual or short term cover) then it includes emergency bike hire. You will need to agree the hire with us first.

    After submitting your theft/accidental damage claim form, call our claims team on 0333 003 0600. They will make sure you have the required level of cover, and make sure the company you would like to hire from are a legitimate rental business (not just your mate Dave).

    We don’t insist you use a supplier we have a relationship with, but there are a couple we can recommend. British Bike Hire are a supplier to various triathlon event organisers. “On Your Bike”, can supply bikes to areas around London and Birmingham.

    Ultimate Bicycle Insurance customers are covered up to £500 in rental costs per period of insurance.

  • How long will my claim take?

    The timeframe of a claim depends entirely on the circumstances and can vary significantly.

    A straightforward theft where a customer has been careful to follow our security requirements and has had all of their supporting documents ready in advance can be settled within a few days. An accidental damage claim that requires complex restoration could take several weeks. In any case, we are always working to improve and speed up our claims process through better training and increased automation.

    One of the best ways to speed up your claim is to make sure you have all of the supporting documents we need ready as soon as possible. When you submit your claim form, we will give you a list of all the bits of information, such as proof of ID and address, we are going to need.

  • How do you check that carbon bikes are safe after a crash?

    We work with several carbon specialists. If there is damage to a carbon frame or wheelset, or if it is unclear whether there is carbon damage, we will ask one of our carbon specialists to arrange collection of your bicycle for inspection.

    They can provide a completely unambiguous assessment of the health of your frame or wheels, something a local bike shop cannot replicate.

  • How does your claims process work?

    We work with various suppliers, and have a few background processes running to make claims as quick and stress free as possible, but ultimately, it comes down to working with the right people. Have a read of our in-depth claims process blog.

About Us

  • Who are Yellow Jersey?

    Yellow Jersey was born out of an established family-run insurance brokerage firm called The Plan Group Ltd. As a family of cycling enthusiasts, we decided to combine our insurance experience with our love for cycling and launched Yellow Jersey. Our vision is to free your ride, giving you more time and peace of mind with quality cover that you can rely on. By designing cover that we would choose ourselves, we provide the products and services that allow our customers to ride without any concerns, concentrating on the thrill of the ride, confident in the knowledge that if anything should happen, we’re there to get them back on the bike.

  • How can I contact you?

    Please visit our contact us page for details.

  • What are your opening hours?

    The office is open from 9am until 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

  • Are you registered with the Financial Conduct Authority?

    Yes, as a trading style of The Plan Group Ltd., Yellow Jersey is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, registration number 307249. Feel free to check this on the Financial Conduct Authority’s register by visiting their website or by giving them a call on 0800 111 6768.

  • Who provides your cycle insurance cover?

    For bicycle insurance policies with start dates up to the 31st December 2019, the insurance is underwritten by Tradewise Insurance Services.

    For bicycle policies with start dates from 1st January 2020, the insurance is underwritten by AWP P&C SA and administered in the UK by AWP Assistance UK Ltd trading as Allianz Assistance.

About This Site

  • Is this site secure?

    At Yellow Jersey we are committed to safeguarding your personal information, adhering to the most up to date internet security standards, compliance and UK data protection laws. Under no circumstances is your data stored on this site, it is passed immediately and securely on to relevant parties such as banks and finance houses. What’s more, our payment gateway site is protected by Barclaycard Secure to ensure any data you share with us is done so securely. You can rest assured that any and all information you supply is confidential and encrypted, so it cannot be read by anyone else. We take great care of your privacy and uphold the measures outlined in our Privacy Policy to keep your personal data secure and confidential. So please do have a good look through this policy, for as soon as you utilise the services of our website you will be expected to have read and accepted its terms. You should not utilise the services of our website if you do not accept our Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

Contacting Yellow Jersey

  • How do I contact Yellow Jersey?

    Please head over to our contact page for more information. 

  • How do I make a complaint?

    While we hope that the service you receive from Yellow Jersey is the best it can be at all times, we want to hear from you if you are not satisfied – so we can improve our services for the future. Our Operations Director can be contacted by; 


    Telephone: 0333 003 0046

    Writing: Yellow Jersey, Prospero, 73 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LQ

    When dealing with your complaint, we will follow our complaint handling procedures; a summary of these procedures is available on request. If you are still not satisfied after first making contact, you may be entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Trusted by the professionals

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